"SCATTERBRAIN{ED}" is a non-profit mental health series created by writer and female filmmaker, Kelly Mcaulley .Each episode is presented through a short film that covers a different mental health scenario through a featured poem performed by a special guest paired with music.
After a near death experience and writing a few poems between 2009 and 2011 about depression, the experimental project came about in late 2014 when Kelly originally wanted to just record a simple audio performance of her award winning poem 'Dizzy Spells' that she wrote between 2009 and 2010 that became her favorite piece. In early 2015, she then wanted to record a monologue-style performance of the poem and went to cast The Tonight Show's Dion Flynn, who she befriended during his recurring co-hosting gigs at Seth Herzog's show 'Sweet' and her recurring photography gig.
In Spring 2015, after multiple experiences with panic attacks and feeling insecure within the entertainment community, Kelly wrote a new poem in a single afternoon after one particular humiliating experience at a gig and got inspired to do more with her writing than just a monologue performance. She got to work on writing a script for a short film to creatively tell her story of her long battle with mental and physical health that she hadn't really talked about before. As writer, director, editor and actor, she created the project as a personal outlet and expected it to just be a one-hit-wonder of sorts .. until she released the film in January 2016 and it received a great deal of compliments on it's writing and professional quality for a first timer. The film went on to also be displayed at a mental health summit in Boston later that year. This inspired her to write and put out several more episodes over time ... and even found a way to include her late father in two animated episodes and she knows he's somewhere bragging to his father and her sister about "starring in Kelly's movies"
The project has given Kelly the opportunity to find a powerful outlet in mental health, being a female filmmaker all around, and inspiration to keep creating. She hopes the series can be a relatable tool for her audience and anyone trying to cope or find the words.